Lori Rosen, Founder
Lori Rosen began her public relations career in 1977 at John Adams Associates Inc., a Washington, DC-based public relations firm, known for its advocacy grassroots campaign. She was involved in public awareness campaigns for major industry associations including the Environmental Industry Council, American Pyrotechnics Association, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Investment Company Institute, Home Recording Rights Coalition, and Earth Day, among others.
In 1980, Lori opened the New York office for John Adams Associates. She continued advocacy campaigns including a national media tour with Chrysler Corporation to demonstrate to use of child safety seats corresponding with state mandates and a campaign for the Counterfeit Products Coalition to shed a light on the massive counterfeit industry.
In 1984, Lori founded Rosen Group, a full-service public relations firm headquartered in New York City focused on media awareness and thought leadership. The firm maintains a strong roster of issue-oriented clients including industry associations, policy-driven media outlets, and sustainability-focused issues.
Lori is a graduate of George Washington University and resides in Manhattan. She lives with Marshall Grupp and has two children, Holden and Cyerra. With her professional roots in Washington, DC. Lori remains passionate about politics, and social justice. On her off hours, Lori can be found exercising and walking her golden doodle, Jagger.

“I have had the pleasure and honor of meeting and working with a wide range of smart, inspiring, and accomplished executives both in the for-profit and non-profit sectors. One standout that truly falls in the category of a 'once-in-a-lifetime experience' is when I was selected to be a guest on the very first national episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show when it debuted in Chicago in 1986. I was one of four couples talking about a book called 'How to Marry the Man of Your Choice,' alongside the author. When Oprah came into the green room to greet us and exclaimed, “They are going to see us in Iowa today,” I knew we were in for a real treat. After having counseled clients for years on how to maximize a television appearance, when I was in the hot seat, I violated all the rules! I bought a new outfit that was uncomfortable, I spoke too fast, waved my hands like a crazy person, and interrupted my fellow guests. However, once the jitters passed, I gained my confidence and even provoked a few laughs. The segment aired several times over the ensuing years and each time a client or old high school friend would reach out and say, “Was that you on the Oprah Winfrey Show?” Depending on who asked, sometimes I said, 'No!'”
— Lori Rosen, Founder & President, Rosen Group